I used Inkscape to make the LEDs a bit more interesting:
After a quick air-cutting fab test, I de-escalated the LED count to save Y-axis travel:
Mmm such fascinating gremlins. I un-grouped and re-saved and ended up with a good board which beeped out after fixing the aforementioned shorts (fewer than last time!):Oof, the resistor packs are particularly gruesome. 4-way crosses aren't great. Some toolpathing cleverness for narrow trace areas is really going to be necessary at some point; crossing trenches can pull pretty severe chunks out around narrow feature areas. I think this is solvable but will take a bit of experimentation.
Now for the header pads on the reverse side! Since the badge design is released, I was able to adjust the angle so in the upper left plug the square would sit upright (roughly 33 degrees):
Fab was perfect, beeped out on the first try! I wasn't shy with the pressure wheel since this is such a simple design, but it was nice to have one require no work either way. I might be able to back off the overcut a bit, in fact:
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