
CPLD work progresses...

A project log for Digitabulum: The last motion-capture glove

Digitabulum is an open motion-capture glove that was intended to be a full-featured, hacker-friendly user-input and sensor platform.

j-ian-lindsayJ. Ian Lindsay 11/05/2015 at 08:350 Comments

The bulk of the CPLD design has been debugged and translated into Quartus. Routing resources and logical units are 25% and 83% utilized, respectively. Good thing I've been phrasing 80-bit shift-registers as multiplexers, rather than flip-flops. I would have had to re-do them.

So far the following things are done:

These things still need doing:

Most of what remains to be done is interconnection work within the address decoder module. This CPLD design can have an additional 95 flip-flops added to it before optimization becomes necessary. I doubt I'll need more than 28 to finish the entire TODO list. And after I convert a few core pieces into "sum-of-terms", I estimate I will achieve all design goals with at least 64 flip-flops to spare.

