
canny: ESP8266 + nRF24l01 milight gateway

This project aims to substitute the low quality hub to control milight / easybulb or limitlessled clones.

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Canny is a $7 (hw components cost) implementation of a controller for the cheap bulbs sold under the brands MiLight, LimitlessLed, Easybulb or any other futlight clone.

It uses a ESP8266 device and a nRF24L01 radio module to directly interface with the compatible bulbs.

Canny pretends to overcome the limitations of these devices by bringing additional features and reliability. The features include a fully feature mobile app to control and automate the lights remotely through the internet.

Github address:

Gateway capabilities:
- Individually control up to +65000 bulbs
- Drop-in replacement for the Mi-Light WiFi Bridge

Software capabilities:
- Manual control over bulbs or groups of bulbs
- Geofence rules
- Timers
- Automation

IoT capabilities:
- Expandable to other usages over the Muzzley platform

- Better Remote Control Authentication
  • 1 × ESP8266
  • 1 × nRF24l01
  • 1 × wiring
  • 1 × micro-usb power adapter for the esp8266

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