
Core4 V1.2 is Alive!

A project log for SAO Core4 - A Nibble of Core Memory with I2C

Add a nibble of Interactive Core Memory to your project!

andy-geppertAndy Geppert 10/15/2024 at 03:510 Comments

It looks even better in the small form factor for the SAO Contest: 1.5x2.5 inches.

I look forward to sharing these with y'all. I did make at least one mistake which requires a rework... I connected the mode button circuit wrong to the symbol. Doh. Easy fix for the next batch, and I found a switch that I can use to rework the samples I have now. I also think I got the sense solder pads a little too close to the horizontal wire solder pads because there is a tiny amount of cross-talk affected the sense wire. Or, I am routing the sense wire curves too "parallel" to the vertical drive wires. 

The screen protector is not shown above, but this has a provision for it with the small dotted lines in the corners. 
