
PCB Version 1.5 - Project restart

A project log for Clockception

Another "A million times clock"-clock-build

fabianFabian 08/05/2024 at 21:100 Comments

The PCB Version 1.5 is a big step from the initial approach. Basically I completely redisgned the inital apprach. When I first started with this (and realized it does not work as expected) I was a bit frustrated and the whole project was buried for some years.

In the meantime I gained some experience in PCB and CAD design which contributed a bit to this new design.

The new design is now based on a BKA30D dual stepper (like many other of these projects).

Each PCB has space for the slave module and master module electronics.

The slave module shall only control the stepper motors and some other parts that need to be available on every module.

The master module has additionally an ESP32 installed that controls all other slave modules via CAN bus based communication.

First time in one of my projects that I use a FUSB302 based Power Delivery phy.
All modules can be connected to each other via a 10 Pin connector and flat ribbon cable.
Of course I had some "whoopsies" on my first PCB version. I corrected them with the good old wired components. :)
Overview of the completely assembled master module.
