
Inside The Shock Generator

A project log for Reverse-Engineering a Skinner Box Shock Generator

An interesting and ethically questionable scientific apparatus. What secrets does it hide? See for yourselves!

keri-szafirKeri Szafir 08/07/2024 at 19:310 Comments

This Polish made shock generator comes from my local medical university, and I got three of them - one disassembled, one restored and one stashed away. It is built as a 3U 19" rack mounted device, suggesting it was a part of a larger experimental setup. It interfaces with a control device via a BNC socket, has a pair of binding posts on the back panel and a 20-pin Tuchel type output connector there. It also has six banana jacks on the front panel, connected to two change-over contacts of a relay. I still don't know what they were used for. Possibly for informing the test subject, or marking the shock event on a cumulative record.
