
Front Label

A project log for Tiny Bit Machine

An 8-bit solar powered gadget.

gordonGordon 08/09/2024 at 19:150 Comments

Today i worked a little more on the code and its turning out great.

I also printed a vinyl label for the front. It would be cool to keep that side clear to see the components but I only had white sticker paper.

It took about 6 prints on regular paper before I got the size correct. There are labels for the LEDs, Buttons, and top and bottom pin headers. The header on the top breaks out PB2, GND, and VCC, allowing users to manipulate this pin from the Tiny Interpeter.

On the bottom header the only pin that osnt broken out is PB4, as that has a voltage divider on for measuring VCC voltage.

Next to VCC on bottom header is VIN, which can be plugged into 5v from arduino uno when programming. It has an OR diode to prevent solar voltage going to this pin, when plugged into arduino it will charge the supercapacitor to about 4.5v.

Now that I am looking at it the top of device has a great inset area that I could have put a small label for top pin header. That label would also hide my sloppy cutting for that top header. Will do this in a future version.
