
OP Codes

A project log for Tiny Bit Machine

An 8-bit solar powered gadget.

gordonGordon 08/10/2024 at 22:290 Comments

Today I got all the OP codes for my machine put in a spreadsheet. These codes do not translate to ascii characters. In fact there are no characters used at all in the interpreter, only 8bit signed integers.

I may have stated before, any negative number is an OP code, and any positive number is an Integer we can work with as a number 0 to 127.

To save on memory and ease of user programming (toggling bits one by one) I am trying to pack multiple instructions for one byte. For example there are seperate OP codes for sleeping x amount of seconds, instead of typing in one byte for sleep and one byte for duration.

Now that the codes are all layed out, and the base program for reading/setting bytes in the program array is set up, I can begin writing the interpreter. This will be quite a challenge with the limited amout of flash and ram.
