
PCB Design And Schematic

A project log for Tiny Bit Machine

An 8-bit solar powered gadget.

gordonGordon 08/18/2024 at 19:460 Comments

The PCB I am designing on EasyEDA is almost complete. I decided to go with all through hole components. Mainly for ease of soldering, and most people doing a DIY project might prefer the through hole soldering ;)... Also there is some thing about the beauty of these components vs. SMD.

Below are some screenshots of the schematic, PCB, and 3d view. For this design, my idea was to make the PCB somewhat smaller than the inside of the tic-tac box, and 3d printing a frame that the components can mount to, then the entire assembly can slide into be box no problem. The Solar cell will get wires soldered to it, then it will mount on one side of the frame, and the wires will be soldered to pads on back of the PCB.

Some changes of this design vs the protoboard prototype I have made:

I have been looking at this design, and realizing this would be a good candidate for encasing the entire device in clear resin, pouring it just high enough as to not glue the buttons plungers in position. I have seen some people do similar things with similar devices on youtube... 

Also just a 3d printed case would also work good for this device, but for now, the tic-tac box works great. I do not have access to a 3d printer.
