
Ordered PCB's

A project log for Tiny Bit Machine

An 8-bit solar powered gadget.

gordonGordon 09/02/2024 at 15:170 Comments

I have ordered 5 PCB's which is the smallest order JLCPCB will allow. If these all check out and I didn't make any mistakes, I will post the Gerber file here. Having a PCB for this project will make assembly fast and easy.

I added a footprint for the other style of 5.5v Super capacitor on top the existing super capacitor footprint so both styles of button capacitors can be used.

Used a white PCB to reduce heat absorption from sun while charging.



I have gotten several messages on here for PCBWAY sponsorship, but I have been using EASYEDA, and JLCPCB for years (unsponsored), and am happy with their designer and service. I also like the easy access to ordering components from LCSC. So I don't plan on switching anytime soon. Sorry PCBWAY!
