
eeprom and error checking

A project log for Tiny Bit Machine

An 8-bit solar powered gadget.

gordonGordon 08/26/2024 at 06:510 Comments

I really should have been adding error checking, would make debugging a lot easier.

The method I've now adopted for error checking involves the device blinking the binary number for the program position it is at when the error occurred. This seems to work well.

Todays progress includes:

This code does nothing just demonstrating usage. I will write instructions for using TGRK once it's complete.

E1S, 56
E2S, R7, ADD, 5

R1, ADD, 1, BB, R1
R1, 7, MUL, E3R, DIV, 2
R1, SUB, 4

The entire sketch is just under 6KB right now (about 70% of attiny85 flash). I pretty much just have some more work to do on pin functions then its complete. So I think it will all fit.

Global variables use 190 bytes out if 512. This includes the 127 bytes used for the prog[int8_t] array, 8 registers, 8 function address bytes, 8 function return bytes.
