INRES="1280x720" # input resolution
OUTRES="640" # output resolution horizontal. vertical is calculated.
FPS="7.75" # target FPS
GOP="15.7" # i-frame interval, should be double of FPS,
GOPMIN=$FPS # min i-frame interval, should be equal to fps,
THREADS="2" # max 6
CBR="1000k" # constant bitrate (should be between 1000k - 3000k)
QUALITY="ultrafast" # one of the many FFMPEG preset
#Audio actually doesn't work, I don't know why, but it's supposedly there
AUDIO_CHANNELS="1" #1 for mono output, 2 for stereo
AUDIO_ERATE="96k" #audio encoding rate
STREAM_KEY="sorry_to_disappoint_you" #your twitch stream key goes here
SERVER="live-waw" # for list
ffmpeg -y -f video4linux2 -s "1280x720" -r "$FPS" -i /dev/video0 -vcodec libx264 -g $GOP -keyint_min $GOPMIN -b:v $CBR -minrate $CBR -maxrate $CBR -vf "scale=$OUTRES:-1,format=yuv420p" -acodec libmp3lame -f flv -preset $QUALITY -bufsize "500k" "rtmp://$$STREAM_KEY"
You can regulate camera parameters, like brightness, white balance and backlight compensation, in realtime (not interrupting the streaming pipeline) with v4l2-ctl, more on that here
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