
Days 1, 2, and 3

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 08/12/2024 at 13:070 Comments

Day 1

Thanks to all the rain from Tropical Storm Debby, I had a temporary pond again in my ditch, which of course meant tadpoles would soon arrive (or at least the eggs.)  I took a few swipes with my net and collected a number of eggs, but no hatched tadpoles. I placed the eggs in a jar of pond water and also collected some extra pond water.  I didn't know of any would actually hatch.  IIRC, last time I collected tadpole eggs, I didn't have much luck with them hatching.

Day 2

Turns out I had better luck this time as some of the eggs hatched and I had a few tiny tadpoles swimming around, They look like tiny sticks.

I also created an small artificial pond for an outdoor class if a lot more of those eggs end up hatching:

Day 3

The tadpoles are growing quite fast. They're a bit larger than they were yesterday.  A number of eggs still haven't hatched, and some/all of the remaining eggs may simply be dead at this point, but I'll give it some time.  Once they get big enough to be able to eat it, I'll start adding some food in.
