
Day 5: Moving Day

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 08/14/2024 at 18:050 Comments

As the tadpoles continue to rapidly grow,  I needed to split them up into multiple jars. I held off until now, as I wanted to make sure they were robust enough to handle the stress of moving into another home. I took a photo and video just before the move started:

I then went forward and split them up into 4 jars (there's actually 5 in total, more on that later.)  There's 3 to a jar except for one with two in a jar.  I had 11 tadpoles in the original jar.  I added food to each jar.  I gotta start coming up with names for them soon.  In one of my containers with extra pond water, I found two tadpoles in it.  I've got a considerably large class this season.  

In other related news, the temporary pond dried up again before any new tadpole eggs were deposited, so it doesn't look like I'm going to get a second class in the immediate future at least.

Everybody seems to be doing well with the recent move.  Hopefully they will all graduate.
