
Day 8: Everyone appears to be doing well still and the start of naming

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 08/17/2024 at 14:020 Comments

I'm finally getting around to start naming them.  I've decided to give the two in the jar with the gold colored lid the name "The Giants" as there appear to be the largest of the class.  One jar named, 4 more to go.  Feel free to make name suggestions.

I was afraid that one passed away this morning, but it turns out he was just being very still.  The ones that I presume to be Spadefoots are continuing to grow rapidly.  Leg formation will likely start for some in the next few days.  

I've been keeping all of the jars outside for the most part.  The ones that I presume to be Spadefoot tadpoles seem to do fine in cooler indoor temperatures, but I'm hoping that the warmer outdoor temperatures will help out the 3 tadpoles of the other species have better chances of making it to graduation.

It popped into my head what (likely) the other 3 tadpoles are: Eastern Narrow-mouthed tadpoles.  I did some searching it it appears they're plankton eaters. This may explain why I've had problems raising them. They have a far more narrower diet when compared to the Spadefoot tadpoles that seem willing to eat just about anything.  

I checked the existing food I've been using and none of it appears to contain any plankton. But a few days I ago I got a jar of Daphnia (meant as a fish treat) for free. Turns out Daphnia is a species of plankton.
