
Day 40 and also Day 1: A new class (and sadly, another sad.)

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 09/18/2024 at 22:470 Comments

Let me get the sad news out of the way first. The Smalls Narrowmouth passed away this afternoon. I saw the fella struggling this morning and did what I could, but he was apparently too far gone.  Will be laid to rest tomorrow.

In more happy news, we're going to have an extended season as we now have a second class!  I went out to the pond this morning hoping to get some tadpole eggs.  I couldn't find any eggs, but noticed there there's hatched tadpoles in the pond, so I grabbed some.  I imagine most of them are only a day old.

I decried to name the first class this season Debby's bounty, as they came about from the rainfall of TS Debby and name the second class Cyclone 8's Little Graces.  Hopefully I got a Tree Frog tadpole in the class.
