
Day 37: Graduation Day for the final two members of "The Originals" group

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 10/24/2024 at 23:480 Comments

First to get the sad news out of the way. The final member of the "Pond" group is dying.  Sad to say, it looks like no Narrowmouth graduates.

In more pleasant news, the final two members of "The Originals" group have graduated today. The group had a 100% graduation rate!  One of the two I named "Freedom Seeker." I almost lost the fella, but thanks to some creative thinking he made it to graduation. I'll do another post about the fella.  As you can expect, I had to distract the grey fur resident during graduation.

In other news, a member of the "Looks like the Originals" group has entered the froglet stage. We may have a graduation session on Halloween.
