
Day 16: "It's Happening!" First Froglet

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 08/25/2024 at 14:160 Comments

That's right, someone has finally hit the froglet stage!  It's one of the Three Musketeers group.  Throughout the day, I'm sure others will also enter the froglet stage as many of them look like their front legs will pop out at any moment.  The two Spadefoots in the Smalls group are likely at least two days away (they likely hatched a little later than the other Spadefoots.)

As they transition, I'll me moving them over to containers that contain rocks for them to climb up on when they're ready to surface.  Graduations will likely start to commence in a few days.

The grey fur resident was also present throughout the morning to aid and observe (or rather receive pets and food.)
