
Day 20: All mostly going well

A project log for Raising Tadpoles 2024 edition, third season

The tadpoles have returned!

mcunerdmcu_nerd 10/08/2024 at 00:240 Comments

Overall things seem to be going well. That one Spadefoot that I talked about yesterday isn't quite a froglet yet, but is very close.  I named the group in the smaller jar with three Spadefoots "The Three Amigos" (a name I've used before) as shown in the left container in the photo and video below. 

Overall the Narrowmouths in the "Pond" group are mostly doing ok, although there is one that sadly appears will pass away soon. I've been trying to replicate a pond enviroment as much as possible, so that there's hopefully at least a few graduates.
