
Focus Change

A project log for IceNav

ESP32 Based GPS Navigator with OSM offline maps.

jordi-gauchaJordi Gauchía 09/23/2024 at 08:010 Comments

Although the purpose of this project was to create my own hardware, I see that there are currently solutions on the market that are perfectly valid for my development to work.

That’s why, regardless of my desire to design specific hardware, I want to change the focus of the project and provide support for existing hardware. This way, I believe it would be easier for anyone who wants to make use of it.

Lately, I've realized that this option might help the project reach more people, and who knows, it could end up being used.

That’s why my intention is to try, as much as possible, to ensure that my project can be used with the maximum number of existing hardware solutions that I believe are valid.

To achieve all this, it will involve trying to emulate all the possible existing solutions since I don’t have access to all of them.

Stay tuned!
