
New Boards Please

A project log for CL-32

A mobile dev terminal, hacker device, anything you like!!

mooseprmoosepr 12/13/2024 at 11:102 Comments

Whats the best day for a hacker?? Its new board day!!!

Because of time constraints, I sprung the extra to get them assembled, so its even more fun straight away!!

Those following along at home will know whats new, but here is a rundown for everyone else. The battery is replaced with a smaller and more common one, the RTC has been upgraded, The screen connector has been upgraded to allow more screen options, the charger/power path has been redone, some grove connectors have been added to allow compatibility with other devices, the add-on borard connection has been changed from header pins to a m2 socket, the usb port was connected directly to the esp rather than through a usb to serial converter, and everything has been moved about to make things a bit easier to route.

So with all the exciting new changes ready to test, I first double checked the battery connector polarity one last time, and tested the charger. then I popped the USB in and tried to upload a basic test sketch........ and nothing!! No serial port appeared :(

Back to the schematic, and I compared it to the official dev board and could see no issue!! out comes the multimeter to see if things are connected as they should be, and boom there is a missing link between the esp and the usb!! that narrowed down the hunt, and low, I made a silly!!

So i whipped out the microscope and bingo bango we have a winner!!!

So a steady hand, and some solder action and it we have a fix

its actually a pretty neat fix in the end

and now I can get back to the testing :)


Gordon wrote 12/13/2024 at 23:52 point

it's funny how after double and triple checking PCB, and running DRC you can still end up with some mistakes. It just takes one last minute adjustment. Good fix though!

I think the worst one i had was two pins swapped on a TSSOP-20 IC, i ended up lifting both pins, bending one over to correct pad, and running a short jumper for the other, then some hot glue to make sure they didnt touch because they were crossing.

Also nice addition if the M.2 port. Not only easier to plug/unplug, but you could design breakout boards that have the edge connectors for attaching whatever you want.

Good to see your progress I think this and the vending machine for birds are my favorate projects right now!

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moosepr wrote 12/16/2024 at 09:37 point

I think you start to get blinkered when you are looking at these things for a while. you know R1 should be 10k, but you have put it at 10 ohm and your brain does the rest!!

The M.2 lets me sneak a bit more i/o into the same space, and i was planning on having pre-made and customisable add on boards to cover all bases

I have not heard about the vending machine for birds, im off to hunt for it now :)

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