Requires good soldering skills and the ability to program the cpld using a usb blaster device.
To enable the flash bit output: poke 98401,1
To choose a different palette for mode 4 use: poke 98401,n where n=0 or 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 (0=the standard)
CPLD - Altera EPM7160STC100
IC1 - AMS1117 3.3V
IC2 - 74LS241 or 74LS244 (74HCxxx also)
30 MHz active Oscillator 3.3V 7mmx5mm
C2 4.7uF or 10uF capacitor
All other capacitors are 100nF smd 0805
2x5pins header for the programming port (that I don't solder on the pcb, I just lightly and partially sideways press in the holes as long as the programming lasts).
And 40 thin pins (2x (20pin header)) to solder on the pcb that will fit in the original ULA socket, these pins should be thin enough not to damage the socket.

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