
The Initial Stages

A project log for Utilizing CNC to Engrave Jewelry

Utilizing CNC to Engrave Impressions Jewelry Co. intends on continuing existing production as well as begin making philanthropic pieces.

jocelyn-pietroJocelyn Pietro 02/21/2017 at 05:250 Comments

Project Followers,

Over the past five and a half months Impressions Jewelry Co. has begun to build its brand. With metal stamps that were not perfectly aligned, utilizing a model of design and redesign in order to get desired outcomes was necessary.

After a long and taxing few months, most of the 3-D printed jigs are finally able to be used and yield products that are able to be sold. The project has finally made as much as was devoted to it and hopefully will continue to grow. With many greek and philanthropic events coming up on Elon University's campus in the coming weeks we hope to continue to implement the design and redesign model as necessary.

With the funds donated to the project and its initiatives, seven new stamps have been purchased to carry out the philanthropic aspect. Additionally, supplies necessary to build a proper photobox for quality pictures were purchased as well as materials to experiment with a new bracelet product (which was successful WAHOO)! In the coming weeks I hope to reach out to organizations who may be interested in philanthropic products and continue to grow the brand. With the remaining funds I would like to invest in a tumbler to make our products even more desirable because this would get rid of unavoidable scratches as well as put a nice finishing touch on the custom pieces.

A timeline has been set in place and I will continue towards reaching my goal of making $500 by the end of April. A separate bank account has been put in place to keep track of funds properly. We have received our first out of state orders and are tracking where these orders are coming from.

If you would like any further insights on this project feel free to reach out to me via email at and make sure to check out our new products as we upload them to our Etsy page in the coming week.

Jocelyn Pietro

CEO and Owner of Impressions Jewelry Co.
