
May 6th, 2017

A project log for Utilizing CNC to Engrave Jewelry

Utilizing CNC to Engrave Impressions Jewelry Co. intends on continuing existing production as well as begin making philanthropic pieces.

jocelyn-pietroJocelyn Pietro 05/07/2017 at 02:300 Comments

Project Followers,

Upon completion of the Elon Kickbox I have gained a greater understanding and appreciation for our university's maker space. In addition, I been working with a local maker space in downtown Burlington by the name of Steam Junction.

I have purchased the tumbler that I have been working towards getting for the past few months. This tumbler after use has been proven successful and has made for a better product in shining final pieces.

Ultimately this process has been extremely helpful and will continue to be as the months progress.

I am studying abroad this upcoming year and will not be back until November to continue in with this process. In the meantime my family is helping out to keep the business going.

Please see the posted flyer that was utilized to showcase my work at the local Maker Fair.

Jocelyn Pietro

Impressions Jewelry Co.
