
Install RPLIDAR C1 Software

A project log for RPLIDAR C1 with Raspberry PI 4 and ROS2

Create an independent ROS2 Node with the new laser scanner RPLIDAR C1 to be used in a WiFi network

guidoGuido 08/27/2024 at 17:210 Comments

The Github repository is Slamtec RPLIDAR ros2.

I followed "How to Install" both in the Client "Intel I9 with Ubuntu 22.04" and in the Host "Raspberry PI 4 - 1 Gigabyte" with Ubuntu 22.04".

On the Client everything went well and after 20 minutes I was able to view the real time laser scan on rviz2

On the contrary I was't so lucky on the Host, where I got stuck at the step:

cd ~/ros2_ws/
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install

 The "colcon build --simlink-install" lasted for more than 4 hours (against about 30 seconds on the Client) and then crashed, for an evident lack of memory.

After some research and thanks to ChatGPT suggestions, I realized I had the following options:

  1. cross compile in my Ubuntu 22.04 amd64 (which I called Client) to target Ubuntu 22.04 arm64v8
  2. buy a Raspberry PI 4 - 4 GB
  3. build the RPLIDAR package in a docker container based on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy arm64v8.

I considered 2. as a defeat while 1.isn't supported in ros2 - humble

Read the third option in Details.
