The schematic, Eagle and Gerber files can be found in my Github repository.
I placed the components underneath the LED matrix so they wouldn't be visible. I extended the width of the board to allow room for the button labels and to provide handles. The battery pack underneath is centered so that the weight of the assembly is centered. The end result is that it has a very nice feel to it - kind of like a Gameboy. I used surface mount buttons so that my fingers wouldn't get poked while holding the boards underside as they might if I had used through-hole buttons. As with many finished projects, the end design may seem obvious, but it wasn't at the beginning. It evolved slowly over time. I spent a lot of time, for instance, rearranging the button and LED locations for player convenience and visual aesthetic.
"Smart" LEDs
At the center of this project is the 8x8 LED Matrix. It uses WS2812B "smart LEDs." Smart LEDs embed logic circuitry that allow you to digitally control brightness of each of its internal red, green, and blue LEDs. The WS2812B is the most popular smart LED. You’ll find it used in most matrices and LED strips. I suppose they're popular because they are cheap and only use four pins (power, ground, data in, data out). But they are a bit of a pain to control because 1’s and 0’s aren’t represented by on an off, instead they are represented by different pulse widths. So, timing is critical. My code uses an entire SPI byte to send each bit. With SPI operating at 5 MHz, a byte value of 0x40 sends the shorter pulse width needed for a 0; 0x7C sends the longer pulse width needed for a 1.

I bought my matrix on AliExpress. You can pay more to get one faster here. Or just search for "WS2812B 8x8". You'll find it in slightly different forms. If you want to use my board design, get one that matches the 3-pin header pads at the two corners.
My favorite smart LED is the HD107S. It adds two pins (clock in, clock out) for a total of six. These are super easy to control since timing is not at all critical. You can control it with SPI up to 30Mhz, or as slowly as you like. This project uses three of these and instead of SPI just bit bangs the 1s and 0s. That is, you set the data pin to high or low for 1 or 0 and then raise and lower the clock to "bang" out the bit. Like with the WS2812B, the LEDs are daisy chained. Once the first LED uses the first 32 bits, it ignores the next 32 bits while passing them through to the next LED and so on.
I love smart LEDs and use them often. You can get a pack of fifty HD107S on Aliexpress for $7.47. The SK9822 is a clone in the same package. Get them on Aliexpress or from AdaFruit. The only bad thing is they don’t come in a through hole version. To learn how to use them, I bought an LED strip so I wouldn’t have to solder them.

This project uses the STM32L412KBT6. At $5.27 it comes with 128MB flash memory and 40k RAM and runs at 80Mhz. This project doesn't come close to using all that memory. I could have also used the STM32L412KBT6 that comes with 64MB flash for just $3.61. But I usually go with the most powerful version in the same package - just in case :).

What drew me to the STM32 line of ARM Cortex microcontrollers, is the availability of powerful processors in an LQFP-32 package. Unlike larger pin packages, this one is pretty easy for me to solder. Plus, my projects don't usually need more pins than that.
For programming the microcontroller, I use ST Microelectronic's completely free IDE called STM32CubeIDE. For only $10.99 you can buy the NUCLEO-L412KB shown below from Digikey. It and a micro USB cable is all you need to get started. And Digikey provides a fantastic getting started series.

Code Files
All the code can be found in my Github repository. The Readme in the software folder explains how to import the code into your own STM32CubeIDE project.
Note that no third-party libraries are used. Code that isn't mine is entirely provided by ST Microelectronics via its STM32CubeIDE.
The following code file descriptions are very high level. They are intended to help you get your footing as you set out to understand the code.
- APP.c
- APP_Main() called by main()
- Main initialization and main "super loop"
- DIN.c
- Provides for debouncing and storing of button presses.
- AIN.c
- Provides for battery voltage measurement.
- I originally intended to adjust LED brightness as battery voltage dipped but didn't find it necessary.
- I only use battery voltage to "seed" the random function which is sometimes used to select computer moves.
- Provides for battery voltage measurement.
- SLED.c
- Code for bit-banging the state of the three LEDs on the game pad.
- GEN.c
- Provides functions for measuring CPU execution time which I only use during code development, not used for game play.
The code above is quite simple. The code below for controlling the matrix gets more involved.
- WS64_Primitives.c
- Provides most basic functions for initializing and updating the LED matrix
- WS64_CmdListEXE.c
- Executes high level commands like scrolling and character display.
- Uses a state machine mechanism when sequentially executing sub-commands like "scroll 1 pixel to the left and then delay 100 mS"
- This is the largest file for controlling the matrix. Much of it is pretty straightforward. Understanding the state machine is probably the most difficult part because there are two state machines - a lower level one that's controlled by a higher level one.
- WS64_CmdList.c
- Stores simple scripts that are basically lists of commands to be executed by WS64_CmdListEXE.
The code above knows nothing about Othello. It is comparatively boring except for maybe the light show it plays at startup. The files below control game play and for me, that's where the fun is.
- OTH_Primitives.c
- This contains the basic support for things like finding legal plays and determining which chips are flipped by a play.
- OTH_GetMove.c
- This is the code for determining the computer's move.
- It breaks the board into four quadrants and indexes each position in the quadrants such that the same set of functions can be used to process any of the quadrants.
- The code in this file is probably the only code you'd need to modify in order to improve the computer's playing ability. It's only got about 400 lines of code which is a good indicator that it's not very sophisticated. Nevertheless, casual players will find it challenging.
- OTH_Main.c
- The primary function in this file is MainUpdate() which is a large state machine for controlling game play. This is where button presses are handled. Handling of the button presses depends on the state of play such as OpponentsTurn, OpponentsFlipsBeingShown, GameOver, etc.