
ESP8266 Based NeoPixel Dashboard

This is an ESP8266 based Neopixel dashboard, it shows current time, can show a custom message and have upto 41 prebuild effects.

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This is an ESP8266 based Neopixel dashboard, it shows current time, can show a custom message and have upto 41 prebuild effects. Moreoever, the color and brightness of the message as well as time can be changed. The speed of the message scroll as well as effects can also be changed dynamically. The time is RTC backed and The whole dashboard is LiIon Battery Backed.

ESP8266 Based NeoPixel Dashboard

This is an ESP8266 based Neopixel dashboard, it shows current time, can show a custom message and have upto 41 prebuild effects.

Moreover, the color and brightness of the message as well as time can be changed. The speed of the message scroll as well as effects can also be changed dynamically. The time is RTC backed and The whole dashboard is LiIon Battery Backed.

Get the Code on GitHub

The construction consist of following basic parts.

  1. ESP8266 based NodeMCU, any other board can be used (
  2. NeoPixel matrix (
  3. LiIo Battery (From Amazon)
  4. RTC for time keeping (From Amazon or Ebay)
  5. Battery charging circuit (The one found on ebay, or Amazon)
  6. Front and Back plates from Pimoroni (

The connection is straightforward, The Data In Pin of the matrix is connected to the D3 pin of NodeMCU. and the 5V Pin is connected to the 5V of battery charging circuit. This is to make sure that we do not fry the ESP. Protection diode needs to be placed between all the points, but I was lazy enough not to use one, as who cares even if I loose a cheap NodeMUC. All the connection are totally up to you, this is not the only way you can use it.

The Magic lies in the Code, The meat lies in the code. Code is everything !!!!!!......

Before uploading the code make sure, you have the ESP9266 Arduino Core and that you have connected the ESP8266 to WiFi at least once, and do remember to use the libraries that I have included in this repository, the one that I have used have been modified a bit to be able to use it properly. The description is below.

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Blynk App Setting Tab2.PNG

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View all 7 files

  • 1 × ESP 8266
  • 1 × NeoPixel Matrix
  • 1 × Li-Ion Battery
  • 1 × Battery Holder
  • 1 × Pibow Diffuser

View all 8 components

  • 1
    Step 1

    Connect the NeoPixel Data In Pin to D3 pin of NodeMCU, or else if you want to use your own pin, make appropriate changes to the pin number in in the _defines.h, and do connect the power line to a seprate output as the NodeMCU is not capable of driving such a high current consuming device.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Now open the sketch, and go to the _define.h tab and at the bottom of the page paste the token of the Blynk app.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Now upload the code, and go the the Blynk app, and add all the widgets as shown in the images, attach all the widgets to virtual pin accordingly. Now in the Menu widget, you need to add all the effect names manually. Add the names according to the instruction shown in the GitHub page.

View all 3 instructions

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Hemraj.Mohabir wrote 11/14/2017 at 18:23 point

can someone please share wiring diagram for this project

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Hemraj.Mohabir wrote 11/12/2017 at 19:21 point

can you please share wiring diagram for this project

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Maksim Surguy wrote 02/17/2017 at 18:26 point

Looks like a great project! 

I wonder if RTC is really necessary since you can retrieve the time over the web and synchonize it every once in a while? 

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Harsh wrote 02/17/2017 at 18:46 point

I have added an RTC to make sure that the time always remains in sync, even when it is disconnected from the internet and power goes down. Also do check out the latest commit on github, I have added an alarm function to the project. 

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Maksim Surguy wrote 02/17/2017 at 18:51 point

Great! Thanks for the details!

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