
Last update is again a major update with many changes.

A project log for Botje, Interactive Arduino R4 WiFi Companion

R4 WiFi collection of what I found on the net throwed together with some stuff from me in an interactive companion.

wils-nicowils Nico 09/21/2024 at 21:280 Comments

System now runs mainly on RTC clock and when network, sync every 30 minutes the RTC with pool.

Offline, RTC is used and you can change this RTC time manually.

All internet applications: jokes, open-meteo and internet date/time are offline blocked.

Fm Radio Module start arduino setup the frequency that is stored on the Eeprom and puts Fm Radio Module in muted mode .

To get out of this muted mode, you just have to select the FM Radio in button Menu.

All games are now together in a vertical menu that is called up with Joystick Button.

Joystick Button is also used for selection in games menu and games.

Joystick Button is also used to rise flappy in play.

Other buttons (From left to right) :

Button 1: Fm Radio and humidity.

Button 2: UV index and air pressure.

Button 3: Air Quality and .

Button 4: Internet date/time and manual RTC set .

.Selected button is also used in menu to perform menu selection.

MQ sensors menu is vertical, use joystick up/down to choose the right sensor that is plugged in.

Manual RTC setting buttons:

Button 4;Selection hour, minutes, seconds.

Button 1: Change value of hour, minutes or set the seconds to zero.

Button 2: Saving set time on RTC.

Button 3: Leave manual time settings without saving on RTC.

Fm Radio settings buttons :

Button 1: 0.1 Frequency lower.

Button 2: 1.0 frequency lower.

Button 3: 0.1 Frequency higher.

(The Frequincy in settings automatically jump from 88.0 to 108.0 and vice versa.)

Button 4: Put FM Radio Module in muted mode and goes out FM Radio Settings.

Joystick to the left + Joystick button: goes out FM Radio Settings and writes chosen Frequency on the Eeprom.

Joystick to the right + Joystick button: goes out FM Radio Settings.
