
Update #1

A project log for Infrared Communication SAO

A SAO board that can be used to communicate to other SAO boards through infrared.

alec-probstAlec Probst 09/05/2024 at 17:093 Comments

Hello all,

This update is to list some of the components and reasoning behind them.

To start, we chose an ATTINY85 as our microcontroller. This was chosen for the following reasons:

We also decided some of the specs for our IR LED and Receiver. After some research, it seems that 38KHz is the standard carrier frequency and 940nm is a standard wavelength. Other than being the standard specs for IR communication, we don't have any reason to choose these specs. We'll show how we calculate the max communication distance in a future update.

One thing to note about our parts is that we're trying to choose through-hole parts. This is done as we want anyone to be able to assemble one themselves. This goes against the SAO Connector Contest's guidance but we are selecting through hole parts with SMD replacements in mind. We're keeping the part list simple to make this conversion easy and our plan is to hand these out at Hackaday Supercon LA so we don't want to spend too much money. We'd rather an easy to assemble by hand kit with larger parts that can be replaced with anything someone might have on hand for the initial version.

Parts List:


Alec Probst wrote 09/07/2024 at 17:26 point

Thanks for letting us know, we are planning to submit it once we get a working design!

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davedarko wrote 09/07/2024 at 17:51 point

alright, good luck :)

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davedarko wrote 09/07/2024 at 11:54 point

if this is a submission of the SAO contest, don't forget the "Submit project to..." => "Supercon 8 SAO Contest" step :) 

just saying because you're not in the list here yet

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