
Making beautiful timelapses with a mirrorless

A project log for X1Plus Expander

Add lights, sensors, cameras, and more to your Bambu Lab X1 Carbon printer

joshua-wiseJoshua Wise 11/19/2024 at 06:420 Comments

OK so I had planned to write a bit about, like, the manufacturing work still to go, and where we are, and what I'm hoping to have done before crowdfunding closes, and then between then and ordering boards, and then between then and boards coming back, and then between then and shipping to Mouser.  I still plan to write that post, but over the weekend, I put together something that I'm super stoked about and I hope you will be too.

I shot and edited this together, and it'll go out in a Crowd Supply update in the next day or so.  But I'm posting it here first because I think it looks insanely good and I can't wait to show it off :)

Since the Crowd Supply post is going to be a little broader in audience, I won't get to say much in terms of command line details there.  But for the Hackaday audience, for those curious, here's what I did:

I think this came out super duper rad, but I also sort of feel like this is just scratching the surface of what's possible.  I imagine that people who actually know things about video editing are going to have an absolute field day showing off their parts with these time lapses, and when I finally get a chance to breathe, I kind of want to try to put together a turntable to spin a camera around a part as it prints.

Anyway, here's the part where I'm supposed to, like, do marketing, and stuff.  Have you remembered to place your order yet?  How about for the shutter release module?  Do it now!
