Mouse Wiggler
Mouse Wiggler is an incredibly useful tool that helps prevent your computer from going into sleep mode or activating a screensaver. It does this by simulating small, imperceptible movements of the mouse pointer, keeping your computer active and alert without disrupting your work flow. This feature is especially helpful for those who work in long stretches or for those who leave their computer on for extended periods of time, such as for download or rendering tasks. When the wiggle function is activated, the LED will light up, making it easy to know that the device is working.
Connect the board via USB to your PC. It should be detected as a HID mouse. Activate/deactivate the wiggle function by pressing the push button. The LED lights up when the function is activated.
Rubber Ducky
A USB Rubber Ducky is a small device that looks like a regular USB drive. It can be plugged into a computer and once plugged in, it can emulate a keyboard and inject keystrokes that can execute malicious code or exfiltrate data to the attacker. However, this version of the rubber ducky is completely harmless. It identifies itself as a USB HID keyboard and types a predefined message when the push button is pressed. This can be used for various purposes like automating repetitive tasks, controlling the PC via keyboard shortcuts, entering complex passwords, and more. The included rubber ducky firmware can be reprogrammed by editing macros.h to customize the keystrokes and messages according to your needs.
Connect the board via USB to your PC. It should be detected as a HID keyboard. Open a text editor und press the push button on the board.
Tired of accidentally hitting the CAPS LOCK key and typing everything in uppercase? CAPS bLOCK is here to help you. Once plugged in, it identifies itself as a USB HID keyboard and constantly monitors the state of the CAPS LOCK key. If it has been accidentally activated, it immediately deactivates it. The device is designed to work seamlessly in the background. When the blocking function is activated, the LED will light up, making it easy to know that the device is working.
Connect the board via USB to your PC. It should be detected as a HID keyboard. Activate/deactivate the blocking function by pressing the push button. The LED lights up when the function is activated.