
A plan

A project log for Marvin

Our baby boy is all grown up. Perhaps it is time to send him out into the world.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 09/26/2024 at 17:210 Comments

A friend of mine had very recently rolled their 88 Golf.  

As fate would have it she was an organ donor. 

The car that is... and the friend I suppose... but we haven't needed her parts yet.

Well now we have some target starting and end points, and probably most of what we need to get there!

Thank you blessed Golf for your gifts to Marvin.  

Lets get started.

In the immortal words of Ryden, Yoink...

Out of all this to make everything work and be compliant, you need to keep 2 relays which I ran on one.  Fuel pump and O2 sensor pre-heat.
