
Solder paste wont be easily cleaned from PCB after reflow in oven

A project log for Lifetime fails project

Every person makes mistakes, wise person learns from them.

kevarekkevarek 02/09/2017 at 18:133 Comments

This is just a quick starter or project icebreaker :) Maybe more fun, but in reality it was fail because I was very naive thinking I will spread thin layer of solder paste all over the PCB, place all the components and reflow it in oven and clean all the remaining peaces of unused solder.

Well you can see the fruit of my naiveness on the picture below. Dont do it, it wasnt possible to clean the board at all :)


K.C. Lee wrote 02/09/2017 at 20:49 point

There are 3 levels of solvents that I usually use:
- isopropanol 99% for easy to clean off stuff
- BBQ lighter fluid/mineral spirits/turpentine substitute/petroleum spirits (essential same stuff) - soak and a lot of scrubbing with a tooth brush.  You can usually get off these kind of flux given sufficient amount of patience.
- acetone if all else fails.  It as too many draw backs - evaporates too quickly, attack plastic, electrolytic caps labels, very flammable.

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davedarko wrote 02/09/2017 at 20:41 point

Been there, done that :)

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kevarek wrote 02/09/2017 at 18:15 point

Well It was first time using reflow oven without any idea how to do it :)

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