
The Idea

A project log for Tape Organ

A drone instrument built from an old cassette player.

decurusdecurus 09/16/2024 at 19:300 Comments

I like making live music and lately I have been experiemnting a bit more with samples. (I am more of a "natural instrument" guy, so I have never really done any sample stuff). I also like to build hardware instruments and some day I got the idea of using a cassette player as a sample player. (Of course this is not a new idea, but to me it was XD) The general concept is to cut out a pice of tape from a cassette and use this sound as a base. then spin it up and get the sound using the cassette players electronics. The faster it spins, the higher pitched it sounds. Then, using a micro controller, I can convert the midi messages from a DAW or some keyboard to the rotation speed of the motor to change its pitch. Then I just use like 5 of these and have myself a nice drone synthesizer that also dabbles as polyrhythm generator.

Of course I also would have to add some knobs and maybe a small 8 segment display to properly tune the sound to a specific pitch, but that should be about it.
