
with great power comes great anxiety

A project log for TARS SAO

A simple add-on inspired by Interstellars robots with 6 touch buttons, a speaker and a 160x80 pixel display, controlled by an RP2040 board

davedarkodavedarko 10/11/2024 at 07:492 Comments

So I essentially have a handheld now, since there's a display, a sort of d-pad and an A and B button. There's a menu that took inspiration from my #Flipper At Home "project". I'm currently trying to come up with some app ideas, maybe I can write a small snake game for it. Since it has I2C, I should also consider having a program to scan both I2C ports. I always wanted a scanner that can also give a "lucky guess" with the address and be prepared to read out some values and already convert them.

Whatelse could this thing benefit from? What should I write?


jeremy.geppert wrote 10/11/2024 at 12:28 point

Perhaps some music tracks from the well known games like Super Mario Brothers ect.  The game of Pong might be cool too. It'd be perfect for 2 player pong with the inputs. Also, just a mode where the light sequence from the communication device in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

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davedarko wrote 10/11/2024 at 13:12 point

you are definitely speaking my language :)

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