
Step 1 in restoration - Power

A project log for 914 PCBOT Restoration

Modern implementation of ROS2 on a legacy 914 PCBOT platform

marcmilleriowamarc.miller.iowa 09/17/2024 at 22:090 Comments

Dusting off the old PCBOT I was happily surprised to find that when external power was applied the old machine started up.  It was very nostalgic to see the OS and apps on an external display although I did have difficulty finding an old VGA cable.  Active fans, rotating media and windows XP with a 2 min boot time was not something I found highly useful.  Time to upgrade.  The mini ITX Core 2 duo board was removed. This will leave a large enclosed space for future electronics.

On the other side of the bot the enclosure housed the dual mini ITX power supplies.  These were removed and replaced with 12V to 5V DC converters.

The main ITX board was replace with a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (2GB).  This allowed me to eliminate many power hungry devices

Final step was the replacement of the Qty 2 12V 9ah SLA batteries in the base.  Now the platform is ready for some software work.
