
DHL is here!

A project log for SAO DEMO Controller

A small inline SAO with an RP2040 used to demo SAOs that require smarts, but do not have it built-in.

andy-geppertAndy Geppert 10/03/2024 at 03:260 Comments

I sure do like seeing that yellow truck show up these days!

Out with the old, in with the new:

Will it work?

YES! Now I can get on with development and troubleshooting the new Core4 that just showed up as well. This capability is going to be very convenient for the other SAOs I'm working on!

I'm really glad I added the QWIIC/STEMMA ports. Those ecosystems have a lot to offer, including pre-made wiring and wire-to-breadboard options. Check 'em out:

There are many screens and sensors to experiment with.
