
Guide/Preview Channel Prototype

A project log for FieldStation42 - Nostalgic TV Simulator

Over-the-air and cable broadcast nostalgia machine!

shane-c-masonShane C Mason 3 days ago0 Comments

Added a guide channel prototype. The guide channel is highly experimental and is currently only included in the main branch for testing. Documentation and hardening of this module is ongoing - use at your own risk :) Currently, video playback is in progress.

Copy `guide.json` from `confs/examples/` into `confs`

cp confs/examples/guide.json confs/

cp confs/examples/guide.json confs/

The example configuration provides the minimum configuration to enable the guide channel with the default view.

{"station_conf" : {
    "network_name" : "Guide",
    "network_type" : "guide",
    "channel_number": 3,
    "runtime_dir" : "runtime/guide",
    "content_dir" : "catalog/indie42_catalog/commercial/December"

The guide channel's appearance is controlled through a set of parameters. The default parameters can be overridden. To override a parameter, just put it into the configuration file with the new value. The following parameters (shown with their default values) are available:

    "width" : 720,
    "height": 480,

    "top_bg" : "blue3",
    "bottom_bg" : "blue4",

    "pad" : 10,

    "messages" : ["Hello FieldStation42\nGuide preview", "Cheers!\nFrom us to you!", "FieldStation42 Guide\nOn cable mode."],
    "message_rotation_rate" : 10,
    "message_fg" : "white",
    "message_font_family" : "Arial",     "message_font_size" : 25,

    "network_font_family" : "Arial",
    "network_font_size" : 12,

    "schedule_font_family" : "Arial",
    "schedule_font_size" : 12,
    "schedule_highlight_fg" : "yellow",
    "schedule_fg" : "white",

    "schedule_border_width" : 4,
    "schedule_border_relief" : "raised",

    "footer_messages" : ["You are watching FieldStation42", "Now with cable mode."],
    "footer_height" : 50,

    "schedule_row_count" : 3

See the github repo for more details.
