
thingSoC ESP32 Android/IoS GUI Control

Use your Android/IoS phone or tablet to control your hardware remotely with the thingSoC ESP32 board

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This project is a template for you to control your hardware using the ESP32/ESP8266 and the Blynk IoT Graphical User Interface (GUI). It shows how to access the current server time and gives you graphical widgets to control your hardware.

Use this QRcode to replicate the Blynk GUI Interface:

Note Bene : This uses more resources than a "free" Blynk account and will require a paid subscription.

Grovey ESP32 WiFi RTC GPIO Sketch Overview

Overview of the "Virtual Pins" Used :

Grovey ESP32 Main Board :

V0 - Reserved for Debugging messages

V1 - Current Real-Time

V2 - Current Date

V3 - Hardware Uptime in Hour/Min/Sec

V4 - Hardware Uptime in Days

V5 - "Connected" Virtual LED

V6 - "Fault" Virtual LED

V7 - ADC Channel Reading (Battery Voltage) (Not working yet on ESP32)

V8 - "ledc" channel 1 (ESP32 PWM) (thingSoC/Mikrobus PWM physical pin)

V9 - "ledc" channel 2 (ESP32 PWM) Onboard Physical (yellow) LED

V10 - sigmaDelta Digital to Analog (DAC) Channel 0

V11 - sigmaDelta Digital to Analog (DAC) Channel 1

V12 - Mapped to physical GPIO Pin 2

V13 through V15 (not implemented yet)

Grovey GPIO Expansion Board :

V16 Grovey GPIO Jack J1 Signal A - PWM Output

V17 Grovey GPIO Jack J1 Signal B - Digital Input

V18 Grovey GPIO Jack J1 Power - Digital Output

V19 Grovey GPIO Jack J1 BLUE LED - PWM Output

V20 Grovey GPIO Jack J2 Signal A - PWM Output

V21 Grovey GPIO Jack J2 Signal B - Digital Input

V22 Grovey GPIO Jack J12 Power - Digital Output

V23 Grovey GPIO Jack J12 RED LED - PWM Output

V24 Grovey GPIO Jack J3 Signal A - PWM Output

V25 Grovey GPIO Jack J3 Signal B - Digital Input

V26 Grovey GPIO Jack J3 Power - Digital Output

V27 Grovey GPIO Jack J3 GREEN LED - PWM Output

V28 Grovey GPIO Jack J4 Signal A - PWM Output

V29 Grovey GPIO Jack J4 Signal B - Digital Input

V30 Grovey GPIO Jack J4 Power - Digital Output

V31 Grovey GPIO Jack J4 YELLOW LED - PWM Output

Grovey ADC Expansion Board :

V32 Grovey ADC Jack J1 - Analog 16 bit ADC Input (5V)

V33 Grovey ADC Jack J2 - Analog 16 bit ADC Input (5V)

V34 Grovey ADC Jack J3 - Analog 16 bit ADC Input (5V)

V35 Grovey ADC Jack J4 - Analog 16 bit ADC Input (5V)

Grovey I2C HUB Expansion Board :
(coming in rev 3.0)

V36 Grovey I2C Hub - Channel Selection (1 of 4 I2C switch channels)

The Grovey I2C HUB is a four port I2C switch with 3.3 Vole to 5.0 Volt level translation options.
This allows you to add several peripherals with the same I2C address, on different ports.
This is useful if you need to support several identical displays (LCD/OLED/etc.) or sensors
such as temperature sensors, etc.

;-) Tom


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ESP32 Blynk WiFi Sketch supporting Grovey GPIO (SX1509) and Grovey ADC (ADS1115) using the Blynk GUI interface on Adroid or IoS - Revision 2.0

ino - 17.57 kB - 02/15/2017 at 01:33


  • 1 × thingSoC ESP32
  • 1 × thingSoC GPIO
  • 1 × thingSoC ADC
  • 1 × thingSoC I2C
  • 1 × Blynk

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