The Fast Uplink From Florida is a Florida-flavored multiplexer for Simple Add-Ons, designed especially for Supercon 8.
The FUFF MUX SAO provides three fully-featured badge ports for downstream SAOs. In order to accomodate full-sized SAOs, it provides break-away extensions to create additional space so that SAOs don't overlap or collide.
The board contains the following components:
- TCA9548 I2C multiplexer to give each badge it's own dedicated I2C bus so there is no need to worry about address conflicts!
- MCP23017 I/O expander to handle the GPIO from attached SAOs. It is attached to the TCA9548 (as opposed to the main downstream I2C bus) to minimize the addresses presented to the badge downstream.
- BQ24074 charger and dedicated battery. Since the SAO spec only guarantees approximately 250mA @ 3.3V in the power budget, the FUFF mux needs to be able to provide its own power - 750 mA for downstream devices plus whatever it uses for itself
- USB-C (the One True Port) and controllable 3.3V regulators. Turn off annoying blinking lights on other SAOs programmatically or power cycle them if they misbehave
- A user button connected to the GPIO expander. It can be used for anything, but demo code will allow it to be used to power cycle the attached devices according to some pattern
- RGB LED backlight for Lake Okeechobee connected to the GPIO expander
The FUFF MUX can even be daisy-chained to support a literally infinite number of SAOs, compared to something like IPv6 which can only support 2^128 unique addresses.
Unfortunately, with a chain of 340 undecillion (2^128) FUFF MUXes, round trip message latency at 400kbps is expected to be about 512.5 yotta-years, at which point humanity may no longer exist.
Repo Structure
- fuff-sao-pcb/ - Kicad project containing hardware files
- fuff-sao-fw/ - Micropython firmware providing drivers and example code
- assets/ - Images, docs, etc. for linking against in the README
Solderpad V2.1 Hardware License