In addition to the ESP32 microcontroller and Touch display, this module also contains an audio amplifier, an SD card reader, and even a lithium battery charger circuit. .

If necessary, a large number of external modules can be connected to this module because it contains UART, I2C and GPIO ports, which makes this inexpensive device universal. Recently, in one of my videos, I presented you an Internet Radio project where eigh of these modules only needed a speaker, a battery and a switch.

For the device that I will present to you this time, we will only need one more button.
Building an internet weather station is a popular project among electronics enthusiasts. To display the local weather conditions, no sensors are used, but the requested information is received via the Internet. In particular, we will use the data from the OpenWeatherMap project which has an API that enables users to request weather data for your location. For this purpose, we need to create an API key on the OpenWeatherMap page that allows us 1,000 API calls per day for free.
This project is sponsored by PCBWay. This year, PCBWayorganizes the Seventh Project Design Contest where, in addition to Electronic and Mechanical Project, also has been added a new category: STM32 Project. For the best selected projects are provided rich prizes in cash, coupons and special gifts. Submit your project for participation in this Contest from 2nd, Sep, 2024 to 19th, Jan, 2025. For more details and instructions visit the given page. Let PCBwayalways be your first choice.

The author of the original project is Andrey Ushakov , and all credits go to him. He was also provide a link to the code. However, the archive is full of many different versions, and other data. In addition, the code is relatively complex and has too many options, such as the type of microcontroller used, MP3 player, FM radio, support for external sensors, different types of displays, the option of two displays for greater visibility, infrared control, calendar, and many others. It was really hard to navigate through all the code versions, options, and information. That's why I decided to modify the code so that it would completely match the previously mentioned Display module. I will try to explain all the steps in detail, so that even those with less experience in this field can make the device. After all, this is the biggest advantage of this compact Display module.
- First we need to enable display module in the Arduino environment. For this purpose we go to Arduino IDE - File - Preferences - where we add the ESP32 URL to "Board Manager URLs" as follows:

Now click "Tool-->Board-->Board Manager", and search for "esp32". This project requires it to be installed version 1.0.6 ESP32 package.

Next, on Arduino IDE -> Tools -> Boards manager -> ESP32 Arduino we choose: ESP32 Dev Module Module, and set the parameters as given in the image

With this, the procedure for entering support for the specific Display Мodule in the Arduino IDE is completed.
Next you need to Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader. For this purpose we go to Documents - Arduino - Tools and here we copy the "ESP32FS" folder given below.

To check if the plugin was successfully installed, open your Arduino IDE. Select your ESP32 board, go to Tools and check that you have the option “ESP32 Sketch Data Upload“.

Next is the installation of the libraries. The zip file contains all the libraries needed for this project. In order not to have a conflict with previously installed different versions, I recommend you to use this temporary procedure. In documents - arduino, we rename the Libraries folder to LibrariesOld. Now here we extract the Libraries folder which is in the given zip file. In this way, the...
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