
Some CAD work for Abel robot

A project log for My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project

Building bio inspired realistic looking humanoid robots to do chores and sports and stuff.

larryLarry 10/08/2024 at 04:160 Comments

These are some detailed CAD model closeups for my Abel robot.  These are regularly being tweaked.  I created a to scale model here with to scale motors.  Each muscle pertinent to locomotion was labeled and assigned a motor or motors.  The motors are rough estimates intended to match the muscle it has been assigned to replace.  Sometimes multiple motors were assigned to replace a single muscle if I felt it was needed.  Specs of these BLDC motors were considered and some mathematical estimations were done but testing will be done to double check as I go, actuating one joint at a time and thoroughly testing motor performance and control system performance on that joint before moving onto next joint.  So this will be done very methodically.  Trial and error will be heavily involved due to lack of experience.

detail of legs filled with motors

batteries in abdomen area and main pc mounted behind them and cooling systems behind that

neck design closeup

detail of shoulder and neck blueprints
