
Ejector Arm

A project log for Interactive Mario Mushroom Block

Ever want to punch a mario block and get a mushroom to come out? Me too, so I'm building it.

scott-clandininScott Clandinin 02/28/2017 at 02:200 Comments

Still waiting on the mario mushroom plush to arrive in the mail, but figured I'd build up the ejector servo. Using more brass tubing, I fashioned a armature capable of ejecting a small item.

Things are starting to get busy in there. Oh, and did you notice the new speaker? I accidentally drilled through it when adding in the white slider rails to the block. Whoops.

I made a new opening arm that took up less space. There is a problem with using two servos though, the library I used could only run one servo at a time. After the lid would open, I would switch over to the ejector, and the lid would fall shut as power was removed from it temporarily. I was able to easily solve this with a strip of duct tape for extra grip on the roof of the block tin.

And here is the demo. Getting very close to finishing this bad boy off.
