
RP2040 Keyboard Development Module

A project log for Keyboard Development Boards (QMK-VIA)

STM32F411 (LQFP64) and RP2040 Modules for QMK and VIA Keyboard Software Development

michael-otooleMichael O'Toole 12/14/2024 at 11:130 Comments

Added an RP2040 Development Board to project.

This module is for testing RP2040 based keyboards and supports all the available GPIO's. It includes four RGB leds for general testing of RGB code but can drive a led strip or the keyboard RGB via the 3 pin connector. 

A 30 pin 1.27" pitch connector connects to the test keyboard consisting of 99 MX Switches, 99 Matrix Diodes, 99 RGB leds and no processor... it is used for testing both STM32F411 and RP2040 modules. 

Note, the 1.27"connector is too small for real world testing, so I have added an expansion/conversion board to convert from 1.27" to 2.74" and also include a 0.1" ribbon cable connector as an alternate connection method.

In an ideal world, the keyboard connector would  have the same pin-out for both STM32F411 and RP2040.

Revision 2.0 of the module removes RGB test leds as it intended to be used with the Basic Keyboard (no smarts/processor)...
