
Pedro 2.0

Your gateway to STEAM education

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Meet Pedro 2.0, the robotic arm designed for STEAM education and ready to transform your DIY projects! Fully 3D-printed and built for ease, Pedro requires no tools or screws just snap it together and you’re ready to start learning and creating.

Pedro is a sophisticated mini robotic arm designed to be entirely 3D printed and assembled without any tools. Equipped with four mini servo motors and powered by a custom-made Arduino-compatible board, Pedro can be controlled remotely using an nRF24L01 module. 

It features two ball bearings for enhanced precision in its movements. These bearings are strategically placed to ensure smooth and accurate operations.

Pedro is a compact, DIY robot that you can build and program yourself. All parts of Pedro are designed to be 3D printed, and the robot can be assembled without any additional tools. The Pedro board, along with the nRF24L01 module, allows for wireless control, making Pedro a flexible and interactive project.

Pedro is perfect for hobbyists, students, and makers looking to explore robotics, electronics, and programming.

Whether you’re a student, teacher, maker, or someone looking to dive into robotics, Pedro is the perfect way to bring your ideas to life.

Visit the Pedro GitHub page to download the .STL files, get more details, and create your own Pedro.

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