

A badge addon memorializing mismanagement and loss.

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Made in haste, just like the real thing.
Shoehorned in available parts to save cost, just like the real thing.
QC is poor, just like the real thing.
Has a bolt that can fall out, just like the real thing.
Presents fire, just like the real thing.

Is not fatal. Yet.

We'll remember the lives lost
due to mismanagement and greed

Code and resources at - click on Flames

Just a simple plane-shaped addon.

Intending to add I2C commands to operate the LEDs for Supercon 8.


Adobe Portable Document Format - 423.72 kB - 11/02/2024 at 21:58


  • 1 × WCH CH32V203G6U6 Microcontroller, 32K flash, 10K SRAM
  • 1 × awinic AW20036 3x12 Current-controlled RGBLED controller

  • Assembly for Supercon 8

    true10/21/2024 at 02:11 0 comments

    Finished assembly on a couple dozen units for Supercon 8.

    For those who get it, I hope you enjoy it.

    For those that don't, you might not want to understand.

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