
Progress 20241025

A project log for GAT Nametag SC8

A small OLED nametag addon that keeps your name always upright.

truetrue 10/25/2024 at 10:250 Comments

Had a bunch of bugs in main MCU code. Been pretty brain fried so was slow going, but it's mostly working now. Renders the OLED and gets accelerometer data.

Now I need to finish the button handling part. Will write the initialization code for button interrupts after I wake up and see if all the rest of the code falls into place. If so then I can focus on hardware for a day or so, clear my mind, then come back to code in a couple days and add the new fonts, Supercon banner, and text render modes. Oh and maybe get some basic IrDA comms working. Not sure I'll have the USB card thing by con but I can have a name and message log at least!

Can do more if time permits.


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