
Taking a break from the tablet.

A project log for WiiChuck

A Wii controller library for talking to every Extension Controller made for the wii including Nunchuck and Classic Controller over i2c.

alex-camiloAlex Camilo 02/21/2017 at 21:500 Comments

The Ebay fairy and the Amazon Fairy dropped off more peripherals. I now have the DJ Hero, a Wii Motion Plus, and guitar hero drums. All of these have good documentation so i'm going to add them to the library.

The tablet is an interesting beast. I'm not sure how to decode the LSBs of the X,Y and pressure. They look like they're incrementing and decrementing but they jump and skip. I'll need to gather more data.

I'm checking in what I have, It brings up the tablet and decodes the data as I understand it now.
