
Project Theme: ! (Re-Inventing the Wheel)

A project log for Voice Activated Power Sockets (Home Automation)

A simple system that is based on speech recognition. Works on your voice commands, for an example "Lights ON" can turn ON lights.

rajkumarravalRajkumarRaval 08/20/2014 at 16:550 Comments

I strongly believe in not "re-inventing the wheel" therefore most of the components that I have used are off-the-shelf (Hw/Sw both). This enables anybody to create this project very quickly without requiring in depth technical knowledge about electronic circuits and without worrying about the complexity of speech recognition.

This project is more of an innovation hobby project. The components that I required to build a basic speech recognition based home automation system were a speech recognition software, a PC or an embedded computer with an internal or external microphone to run the speech recognition software, an electronic circuit to control the power to an electrical appliance or a gadget.
