Codename FF Log
* 12/24/24: Project Log
** This is yesterday's and today's work
** I got the following done:
- I got PWM wiring for the motor to work
- I have figured out the plan for [[id:cb604813-f1a8-4723-a46d-08e0c9d78792][PID]]
* Get the rotary encoder working
* Get serialization working btwn Arduino and computer
* Given a velocity and time, have a program in R plot the graph in realtime
* 12/22/24: Project Log
** This is yesterday's and today's work
** I got the following done:
- I wired the L293D motor driver to work with two motors
- I got the raspberry pi to send proper [[id:af2ef5b2-df83-44bd-806c-e37c3e6e4884][COBS encoded]] strings
- Have the arduino read and decode these COBS encoded strings
- Arduino moves the motors in response to the motor.
** What to work on next:
- I need to fix the serial comms for doubles because as of now, I live in constant fear of sprintf overflowing past 12 bytes. I need some consistent double format between the arduino and c++ on the raspberry pi.
- I need to figure out pwm so that I can control the speed of the motor.
- Maybe add the LED screen for easier debugging.
- After speed is done, move onto whole robot motion
- Consider controllers
* We are going to be doing PID tuning to get this working
- This will be done with ROS2 Control
I have unfucked the wheel:
I finished assembling a wheel. Here are the steps because this wheel is shit and will not be used for the final version of the robot. This is a prototype.
- Get a sanded down roller and a paperclip:
- Straighten the paperclip
- Put a 1 mm (0.6 inch) drill bit through the pilot hole until the hole is that diameter
- Put a paper clip through
- Attach to wheel
- Complete both parts
- Attach both parts with rollers to each other
I want to redo the dimensions to make it more consistent. Having to sand the rollers and such to get it to fit right is not very cash money. I just want it to be ready immediately after printing.
I have some CAD for this ready for a prototype. I have the platform for the motor to lay on as well as a motor holder to keep the motor stable. Here are screenshots of them:
Motor Holder | Motor Platform |
I’ve not been as consistent with this as I would’ve liked because of midterms and such but I’m going to start this log now to note down what I have so far and then continue to consistently keep track of what I’m doing.
CAD-wise, I have modeled most of what I need for the robot (motor case, something to hold the photoelectric sensor, etc.). I need to figure out what kind of screw/nut/thing I need to secure these things together, which is something I can ask around and find the answer to. But the structure of the motor is kind of set.